Green Prescribing has become a bit of a buzz term in the health world recently! Basically, it means connecting with nature for a range of health & wellbeing benefits, including:
reductions in anxiety, fatigue and depression
lower rates of inflammatory-based diseases, type 2 diabetes and obesity
improved concentration, enhanced immune function and reduced mortality
increase in life satisfaction, vitality and happiness
And who doesn’t want all of those benefits?!
SOAR’s Wellbeing Coaches have been supporting people to get outdoors on walks for years, but now they have a dedicated Wellbeing Coach, Anna, who is focused on helping people connect to nature on their doorstep for their health and happiness. Anna has been busy linking with other green projects in North Sheffield so there are direct referral routes for clients, as well as running nature connection and mindfulness sessions for SOAR’s Wellbeing Wednesday, Social Cafés and Healthy Holidays groups.
Anna has also secured funding for pocket gardens at Foxhill Medical Centre, Grenoside Surgery and High Green Development Trust, so watch this space for those developments!
Anna says: “I always feel better for getting out on a walk and seeing wildlife – it puts everything into perspective and gives me space to breathe. I love helping others experience these feelings – you don’t have to get out into the countryside to connect with nature – there are some great parks, community gardens and woodlands in North Sheffield where everyone can get a bit more nature in their lives.”
Check out the Sheffield GreenGround map to find your nearest greenspace.
Here’s a simple activity you can try today to connect with nature wherever you are:
Sky Gazing: Sit or stand in a comfortable upright position, with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Roll your shoulders back, release any tension in your jaw and take a deep breath into your belly. Look up at the sky and take a few moments to notice all the different colours and patterns – even if the sky just looks grey, there will be subtle changes in tone and shapes if you look closely. The sky is our most accessible form of natural beauty – you can connect with it wherever and whenever you like. Take another deep belly breath and notice how you are feeling after taking a little break for your wellbeing.
How to get involved:
If you are a patient at Foxhill, Grenoside, Chapelgreen, Ecclesfield Group or Mill Road surgeries, ask your GP for a referral to SOAR’s Green Prescribing service today!