Need support?
How we can help you
Our team consists of Social Prescribing Link Workers, Wellbeing Coaches, Welfare Coaches, Employment Coaches, Development and Volunteering and Centres.
Working in partnership with GP Surgeries and Community Partners, we have supported over 10,000 people since 2014.
The Social Prescribing Link Worker team triage referrals and carry out assessments over the phone or face-to-face, to find out how we can help and then use that information to signpost to a service who can best meet those needs. This service might be internal to SOAR, or external to a citywide partner.
What does a Welfare Coach offer?
Short term issue-based welfare which broadly means; “we can speak up for someone about a particular issue, or speak up for them to help them through a crisis”, such as:
Independent support, advice and guidance
Goal setting through an agreed support plan
Referral to other services and activities
Housing or finances
Families and parenting
Any issues affecting independence and quality of life
What does a Wellbeing Coach offer?
Wellbeing Coaches engage with local people who require practical support to improve their health and wellbeing and change their behaviour to achieve their own choices and goals.
Support, encouragement and motivation
Referral to other services and activities
The chance to set your own health goals
5 – 6 sessions on a one-to-one basis
Identify groups or activities in your local area
What can the Development team offer?
The Health Development Team work within local communities as part of the Community Wellbeing Programme, to set up and deliver new and innovative activities that enhance the health and wellbeing of local people.
Springboard Social Cafes
Social Groups
Dementia support
Healthy Holidays activities
What can an Employment coach offer?
SOAR’s Employment Services provides 1-2-1 support with getting back into employment, sourcing training and creating a plan to suit you.
Information and advice about the latest job vacancies
How to complete job application forms
Support with CV writing
Sourcing training or courses to build your skills and knowledge
How the service works
Step One
A referral is made to SOAR by either your GP Practice, a professional service, or self-referral.
Step Two
One of our Social Prescribing Link Workers will triage referrals and carry out assessments over the phone or face-to-face, to find out how we can help and then use that information to signpost to a service who can best meet those needs. This service might be internal to SOAR, or external to a citywide partner.
Step Three
If referred internally to SOAR, SOAR Wellbeing Coaches and Welfare Coaches spend time with those referred, to understand, build confidence, plan, support, and/or refer them on to additional support. The skills of these staff are key to the success of this work.
Did you know that there are some health services you can access without needing an appointment with your GP?
This is called self-referral and could help you find the care you need quicker and more easily than going through your surgery.
To refer yourself to SOAR’s Social Prescribing programme, complete the online form below where one of our Social Prescribing Link Workers will pick it up.
Please note that we are currently receiving a high number of referrals, so your referral may not be picked up for 6-8 weeks. Please note referrals are prioritised according to level of need.
If you'd like to seek alternative help elsewhere, visit the Sheffield Directory for more information.
Why do we have a waiting list?
We continue to see a rise in demand for our services. Coupled with increasing complexity of referrals, this means we have to manage our available resources and expectation carefully.
A waiting list is an accepted way of ensuring everyone has fair access to our services, and we can support the individual at the right time.
What are we doing to manage the waiting list?
We review our waiting times on a monthly basis. This helps us understand the available capacity that we have to meet the current amount and type of referrals. This then determines the waiting list time.
Alongside this, we are working very hard to adopt new ways of working that enable us to work smarter, and bring in new investment that allows us to grow our services. This though, takes times.

How to refer yourself
If SOAR is at capacity, or you require specialised support, we work alongside over 400 organisations across North Sheffield and the city. Our Social Prescribing Link Worker team will refer you on.
Citizens Advice Sheffield | Sheffield Mind | Age UK | Shelter | Talking Therapies |

Can't wait?
Should you feel that you need to speak to someone urgently, we recommend that you contact your GP surgery and speak to the duty doctor. If your GP surgery is closed, the following organisations may be able to offer you support:
Sheffield Directory: www.sheffielddirectory.org.uk
Samaritans: 116 123
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) – for men: 0800 58 58 58 – 5pm to midnight every day
Hopeline UK – for people under the age of 35: 0800 068 41 41 – Monday to Friday 10am to 10pm, weekends 2pm to 10pm, bank holidays 2pm to 5pm
Childline – for children and young people under 19: 0800 1111 (the number will not show up on your phone bill)
Silver Line – for older people: 0800 4 70 80 90
In medical emergency and life-threatening situations only, where a person has taken an overdose or needs urgent medical attention, please dial 999 or attend your nearest hospital A&E department.
Your Journey - Judith's Story